Another saved tin for the project. This little old cigarette tin I found in a church fair/market for $1.00, it was painted white and stored nails or screws in it in someones work room. I stripped the old paint off, but the stripping stuff took off most of the original artwork on the front. I didn't mind the look so I've left it like this.
The pages on this particular concertina book are yet to be collaged/decorated,
the base is tea stained media paper.
A plastic doily was placed on top of the paper while drying to create some marks /patterning.
I found some concertina folded watercolour paper in my studio and didn't have a tin to fit in, so I made a box with a lid. Covered the lid with some textured paper, painted the paper then rubbed the surface with metallic rub and buff to create the look of a metal tin.
I tea stained the water colour paper then added small assorted papers to begin the collage process.
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